Book Selection — May 27, 2016

Book Selection

The Last Stand of Fox Company

If you want to read more about part of the battle around the Chosin Reservoir then this book is an excellent and detailed account of the siege of Fox Company of the Seventh Marine Reservoir.  This Company was besieged for several days by much numerous Chinese troops but with the courage and determination the American held on against the odds.  The book was written by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin and is published by the Atlantic Monthly Press.


The Marines fight for survival —
Book Selection — May 26, 2016

Book Selection

The Coldest Winter

This book written by David Halberstam covers the entire Korean War but it mainly concentrates upon the period between the Chinese Second Offensive and the Chinese Spring Offensive.  It explains the reason for the Chinese success in the winter of the 1950-1951 and how the American learned how to fight the Chinese and brought to an end the series of Chinese victories in the spring of 1951.  It is published by Hyperion Books and the ISBN number is 1401300529.

coldest winter

Episode 39 —

Episode 39

The Chinese Second Offensive

The Eighth Army begin to move northwards but the next day the Chinese launch their Second Offensive against force the South Korean Divisions on the east flank into a rout.  The Turkish 1st Brigade is overwhelmed by the Chinese attack.  The American 2nd Division tries to retreat though the gauntlet losing 4,000 men in the process.  General Walker orders the Eighth Army to retreat.  A biography of Major General Keiser, the commander of the American 2nd Division.

This episode will be released on Saturday 28th May.

Laurence Keiser
Laurence Keiser
The Chinese Second Offensive — May 23, 2016
Episode 38 — May 18, 2016

Episode 38

Mac Arthur’s decision

The failure of Mac Arthur’s headquarters at Tokyo to understand the scale of the Chinese forces in North Korea.  Charles Willoughby the intelligence chief at his headquarters deliberately underestimates the number of Chinese troops in order to please General Mac Arthur.  Mac Arthur orders the 10th Corp to advance towards the Chinese border in North Korea.  The Chinese Army prepares for its second offensive.  A biography of Charles Willoughby.

Available on Saturday 21st May

Charles Willoughby
Charles Willoughby
Episode 37 — May 12, 2016

Episode 37

The American defeat at Unsan

The American 1st Cavalry Division is defeated by the Chinese Army around the town of Unsan.  However the Chinese First Offensive comes to an end due to a breakdown of supplies.  The Chinese Army prepare for the next offensive.  A biography of the commander of the Chinese Army in Korea, General Peng and his sad fate after the Korean War at the hands of Chairman Mao.


The sad fate of General Peng —

The sad fate of General Peng

General Peng is the greatest general of the 20th century, you have never heard of, he commanded the Chinese Army in Korea.
Peng signed the armistice agreement in July 1953 for China which ended the war. In 1954 he was appointed as the minster of defence, in this job he tried to modernise the army he knew that to do so China would need the help of the Soviet Union, This was at a time when Mao was beginning to become more distrustful of the Soviet Union. Peng was dismissed from office and placed under house arrest for three years.
Mao position weakened temporary in 1962 due to the disastrous failure of his ‘Great Leap Forward’ program. Peng was restored to a minor official role in South West China in promoting industry.
By 1966 Mao had regained total power and he launched his cultural revolution, Peng was one of the earliest victims he was imprisoned and was tortured for ten hours a day, his torturers when relived every two hours by another group. He would be strapped to the floor of the cell, forced to soil himself. At first he refused to confess to crimes of betraying his country but every man has his breaking point and he was forced to confess his crimes at a series of mass meetings.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The punishment he had suffered broke his health, Mao refused him proper medical care. His last wish was to see the trees and sun outside his cell, the windows had been covered with newspaper, even this last wish of one of China’s greatest general was denied. His guards were ordered to record his moment of his slow and painful death for Mao, it was 3.35PM, November 29th 1974.
Peng at a forced confusion meeting
Peng at a forced confusion meeting
Episode 36 — May 3, 2016

Episode 36

The Chinese First Offensive

President Truman meets with General Douglas Mac Arthur on Wake Island.  Mac Arthurs states that the Chinese will not intervene in the Korean War.  In fact the Chinese Army is crossing the border into North Korea.  The Chinese attack the South Korean 1st Division at Unsan.  The Chinese Army defeats the Second South Korean Corp further to the east.  A biography of General Xi Fang the chief of staff of the Chinese Army in Korea.


north koreans

The Korean War podcast is eight months old —