Episode 8.3 — September 11, 2023

Episode 8.3

Truman and the Korean War

President Truman would commit American troops to the defence of South Korea after it was invaded in June 1950. Truman would appoint General Mac Arthur to be the overall commander the American military in Korea, and after the successful landing at Inchon, the American Army pressed on to North Korea. However the Chinese army would intervene and force the Americans into a retreat. General Mac Arthur wanted to attack mainland China and publicly campaign for a wider war that would led to Truman firing him.

To be publish on Saturday 16th September

Harry S Truman
Episode 8.2 — September 4, 2023

Episode 8.2

The rise and fall of McCarthyism

Senator Joe McCarthy would destroy the careers of those he described as Communist, some were, some were not by bullying, smears of homosexuality and distortion. He himself would be brought down by similar tactics but it was not a Communist conspiracy but one led by President Eisenhower that would finish him as a major political figure in the United States.

To be published on Saturday 9th September.