Korean War films — October 11, 2015

Korean War films

The Bridges of Toko-Ri (1954) – My favourite starting William Holden and Grace Kelly.  The film is about Naval pilots who attack an enemy held bridge at Toko-Ri.  Grace Kelly is the wife of one of them.

Pork Chop Hill (1959) – Starting Gregory Peck leading his men in defence of the hill during the battle of that name in 1953.

The Steel Helmet (1951) – Directed by Samuel Fuller, about a group of men who survive a North Korean massacre of American prisoners, as they try to get back to the American lines.

A Hill in Korea (1956) – A British film with Michael Caine in his first film role.  The film is about a British Army patrol during the Korean War.

M.A.S.H. (1970) – Directed by Robert Altman.  It is a dark comedy about an American Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War.  It was later turned into a television series.

The Manchurian Candidate (1962) – Starting Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey.  It is about a group of American troops brainwashed by the Chinese, one of whom becomes a Communist assassin.

Taegukji (2004) meaning Brotherhood of War.  It is a South Korean film about two brothers conscripted into the South Korean Army in 1950 and their fight to survive.

Crevecoeur (1955) – A French film in which many of the roles in the film are played by men of the French battalion that served in the Korean War.

Do you have any favourite Korean War Film, please leave a comment.
